Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What's the Solution?

The ultimate solution to this problem is completely inevitable. Unfortunately, social media has become so overwhelmingly used that I'm afraid there's no way to completely get rid of it!

A solution to this however, can be to remove the bullying, and negative attitudes that seem to be associated with social media. There has always been an issue with cyberbulling, but recently it has taken a drastic increase. Social media cites such as, askfm and tinder, are cites that are directed to finding that "special someone". How they differ from dating websites, is that on these cites you can rate people on how attractive they are, and answer questions regarding the person's physique.

At this age, from middle school to early college years, people are going through A LOT of changes. There are decisions to be made daily, and everyone is trying to discover their identity. If there is people telling you that you're not attractive or not on one's "hottie list", what is that going to do to your self esteem? This kind of trend is not good for anyone, I don't care how attractive you are.

Something needs to be done about this, and fast. We can't go on letting these things happen and just turn a blind eye to it. A possible solution is to prohibit the use of any website that asks questions that could negatively affect someone. While this is a great idea, there is still SO much that could be done. Even if cites such as these were banned, people still continue to be mean over twitter, facebook, instant message, etc. There is also the question of freedom of speech. Aren't we allowed to say what ever we want as long as it follows the guidelines of the first amendment?

Below is a link to an article advising parents to NOT let their children use Askfm.

There are so many problems with social media, but hardly any solutions. We have got to stop relying so much on social media because it is consuming our lives. Time should be spent interacting with humans face to face, participating in activities that stimulate our brains, not bashing people on social media or anything of that nature. Once people realize that a strong reliance on social media is not something good for this country, we can then address realistic solutions to removing it from our daily lives. It all starts with you.

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